Tuesday, September 2, 2014

You have to start somewhere...

I've always loved the idea of blogging, but never felt like I was in a place where I had much to blog about. I finally feel like now is a good time to start.

For a quick update on Ryan.....He is currently in Denver CO working as an apprentice lineman, and has been there for two months now. He will most likely be there for around six months, until the union he works for starts to move him around. I am so proud of that man.;)

After I graduate I plan on traveling with him for awhile, and seeing where the future takes us. I'm so excited for that time to come. He is my rock and him being so far away, hasn't been easy.

The start of a three year Apprenticeship...

As for me....

At the end of this month I will be starting my second year of the OTA program at Spokane falls, for those of you that are unfamiliar with Occupational Therapy, when I graduate I will not be helping people get jobs. haha Its a form of rehab to help people meet their goals and live more fulfilling lives. I will be continuing to work with the aging population, hopefully working with individuals that suffer from dementia and alzheimer's disease. I love being able to put a smile on their faces it has become a passion of mine. I absolutely LOVE everything about it!

Class of 2015<3