Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome 2015!

Well it's the start of what is going to be one of the most eventful years of my life! Ryan just left yesterday, and it was a sad goodbye:( Knowing that the next few times I do get to see him it will be for only a short periods of time, because of my clinical's I have to do for school. Its been six months that Ryan has lived half way across the country way from me! I can't believe its been that long!!

We had such a wonderful Christmas break! We got to spend Christmas with my family, which is always fun because my moms whole side of the family get together, and my step dad dresses up as Santa and its always funny to see the littles reactions!

We also did the traditional bars on Christmas night, which is always a refreshing hott mess to see so many familiar faces, and drink the night away!

The rest after Christmas was consistent full of Seahawk birthdays, and football games, and we also finished the other half of our engagement session in the mountains with snow! Which I'm really excited to see those.

Another fun event was kicking the new year off with a road trip to Birch bay WA! It was kind of a spontaneous trip, Colt and Kayla have a time share and that was the ONLY place available for the Holiday! We knew we wanted to spend it with them because Ryan hadn't seen them since he left, so we thought why not?!

Of course we forgot our swimsuits for the hot-tube and our passports to go to Canada which is like an hour away, and we had know idea that the polar plunge is a big event that happens there every new year (not like I would actually run into freezing cold water), but it would have been fun to watch and laugh at all the crazy people, but we slept in too late;(.....Those things are really the gist of what there is to do in the winter at Birth Bay.....So we literally we did a whole lot of nothing, but it was okay because we were with some of our favorite people! Plus people watching at the dive(only) bars there was pretty entertaining! 

With only six weeks left of the "classroom" time for the OTA program, and tying up bits and pieces of the wedding, you would think I would be in high gear to finish this program, but I'm starting off with a slow start, as you can see that I'm blogging and not organizing my syllabus's. ;/ Hopefully tomorrow is different!