Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015


The Best Day Ever!

What a perfect day it truly was! For over a year this day has been my obsession. Mainly because Ryan was in Denver, and I was going to school, so planning for it was my therapy! I absolutely loved it. It kept my mind focused on the excitement for what the future holds! Towards the end I have to admit, I was ready for it to come and go, so Ryan and I could finally start our lives together as husband and wife. Here is a little play by play of our big day! 

The day before:

Ahhhh!! A years worth of decor! Did I bring/make too much! For the rehearsal, we asked a ton of people to help with set up, which was amazing, because everyone showed. It was extremely stressful to me though because, I was the one with the vision for everything, and we only had an hour and a half to get it all done! Everyone was asking me where I wanted things..... I have never felt that much stress in my life! Even I had know idea where I wanted some things to go. Thank the lord above for Allison Kincaid, she was amazing and I truly believe I would of had about 5 melt downs if we didn't have her help! We still weren't able to get it all set up, and there was still a ton that needed to get done, which added even more stress that I was gonna have to rely on others to make the barn look the way I envisioned it. When we were done with rehearsal, I took some medicine for my massive head ache, and we headed to dinner at fireside with our closest friends and bridal party, which was a perfect way end to the night. 

The day of:

I stayed the night at Kayla's parents. It was a sleepover just like the old days. Kayla kept me up late, and had me laughing my ass off. At the time I was stressed about not getting enough sleep, but now I wouldn't of had it any other way! I love that girl! I woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom and Kayla heard me. She then started up again! Yeah, I got about 4 hours of sleep that night. The nerves started to sink in! It was I different kind of nervousness, filled with excitement, and anxiousness! Not once did I get nervous about marrying Ryan. Actually, that was what helped calmed my nerves! Remembering the true meaning of the day!

Kayla's mom put together a big beautiful breakfast for us and I could barely choke down a small bite of fruit, which was really not like me! I've never been one to miss a meal. They finally talked me into a mimosa, and that was just what I needed to really calm my nerves. What made me the most nervous was that something big was gonna go terribly wrong, (one of the vendors wasn't gonna show!) or that I was gonna choke during our vows!! I started to wonder why in the hell I wanted to do our own vows in the first place!!?? I have always been terrified of public speaking! What was I thinking!?

Everyone kept telling me, that something that day would go wrong, and that I was just gonna have to brush it off. I kept preparing myself for something, and I think that's why by the end of the day I honestly felt like nothing went wrong.

Before the first look, I got a chance to see how all the decor came together and boy was everything absolutely perfect!! Thanks to Allison, my mom, and mother-inlaw!   

Before the ceremony, I felt like I was gonna pass out, from not eating all day, the heat and all the nerves! Once I started down the isle it was crazy......I looked at Ryan, and realized truly what this day was about. I had a strong sense of calmness come over me, like never before! We both breezed through our vows like it was only us two alone.

Ryan and I still talk about the crazy things that happened during the ceremony, that can only be explained by believing that our loved ones where watching over us.

When our officiant was speaking it was kind of windy in the microphone, then when we went give each other our vows, the wind went completely silent in the microphone. Ryan said that it was hard to focus during the first half of the ceremony because the concrete was burning through his black dress shoes and his feet were on fire, the other groomsmen said the same thing. Until the only cloud in the sky covered our whole ceremony area! Later that night my grandpa pulled me away to tell me a story. He said that during the ceremony two doves flew over us and landed together on the fence. It was so cute how excited he was about it.
Here is a picture with the one cloud in the sky over us:)

I truly believe that these signs where from our loved ones that have past, making their presence at our wedding, and it fills my heart to even think about it!:) <3

The rest of the night was filled with love, joy, and every other wonderful emotion! We walked around trying to say hi and thanks to everyone that came, which was hard! 

We figured that we had about 150+ people there. We weren't able to say hi to everyone, which is probably my one regret. After talking to people after the wedding most everyone completely understood!

The night flew by just like we knew it would! I'm so excited to see the rest of the pictures and our video that Ryan Ferguson is putting together for us!

Ryan and I are completely beside ourselves by how perfect everything went, the love we felt before during and after the wedding. Nothing could have gone better and we are now married!<3

Ps. Huge Thanks to my wonderful family who stayed after the wedding to help clean up! We love you guys SO much, and don't know what we would do without you guys!!

Here is a few highlights!