Thursday, March 17, 2016


 10 more weeks to go!

Just now realizing that this lil gal is our pot of gold with two Irish backgrounds on either side of her family!
How far along? 30 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss:
+ pounds!!

Maternity clothes? My options are minimizing:(
Stretch marks? Still none and crossing my fingers
Sleep: Still pretty good and I think I have mastered the art of going pee without waking up! True sleep walker and can be dangerous at times! 
Best moment this week: It wasn't this week but last! Sending out our invites to our shower!! I'm SOOO excited to go home and see family and friends! 
Symptoms: I've come to realize that pregnancy is a true test to see how you....... not only handle multiple different symptoms at once, but how you handle them when they are amplified x 50!!  I'm serious and I hate complaining about them, because I feel SO lucky to even be pregnant, but the symptoms in my experience have been unreal and the list goes on for days!  
Miss Anything? Home! but not for long this time next week we'll be packing our bags!! 
Movement: Some days more than others! I love her active days! Like today has been having party in my belly!
Food cravings: Being here in Denver has been awesome to try out sooo many new places to eat, but honestly all I want are things I can only get at home and that's a burger from Cougar County and a crisp meat burrito from Taco Time! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been sick on the weekends! Which is so weird! I don't know if its because i'm not as active or what, but the last two weekends I had some moments:( 
Have you started to show yet: Yep and the more I'm starting to show the more my body is aching!  
Gender: Princess! 
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out?
 Its getting shallow and it's freaking me out! I've always been weird about belly buttons! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: little moody but mostly happy!:) 

Looking forward to: GOING HOME NEXT WEEK!!

Added a pop of color to her dresser! Love the way it turned out! It was way too much work for a pregnant lady though! Holy cow I was winded and achy when I was done!