Monday, October 27, 2014

Keeping it all together...

Yep this song is my life!

It has been almost three months that Ryan has been gone, besides the amazing Mexico trip in the middle. I could sit here and go on, and on about how utterly empty life is without him; but I'm not gonna do that.....instead I'm gonna focus the positivity of the situation.

Ryan and I have been living with each other since we were 18 years old! We grew up together, and became as one in a lot of ways. Overtime Iv'e seen myself become more reserved as Ryan is, and I've seen him become a little "weird" I guess you could put it, as I am. When you spend so much time with someone It's hard to individualize who you are without that person.

This time apart has honestly resonated a lot of things in our relationship. Ryan has always been my rock, and in the past I have really depended on him for a lot of things, so for me to not have him here, it has honestly forced me to grow as an individual a tremendous amount. It also makes it easier, because we are both pursuing our dreams, and testing our limits daily.

I think this in return has made us realize how much we need each other. Its put both of us and our relationship to the test, and has only proven to make us stronger.

With all of this being said I'm always in count down, and just the thought of graduating from OTA school then being with Ryan again makes me giddy!

Way too many count downs....
A little mail love....
 Ryan's Birthday care package<3
So honestly why say my name is RyAnn, when they'll put Ryan anyways....haha so at Starbucks I'm Ryan;)
I don't get many selfies from this guy, but this one is definitely my fav. 
 I love it when he puts thought into his texts;) 
Lets be real the rock is what really has been keeping me sane;)
Would you except anything less then endless selfies sent to Ryan daily??
Always Missin our uncle Ryan.....<3

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