Sunday, February 28, 2016


Hello Third Trimester! 

How far along? 28 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 17+ pounds!!
Maternity clothes? Just my one pair of maternity jeans!
Stretch marks? Not yet! 
Sleep: Not too bad...I wasn't able to sleep in long this weekend though, I think shes starting to train me:(
Best moment this week: Completing her dresser! I feel like I can really start organizing her stuff now!!! 
Symptoms: (Same as the last few weeks) In-congestion, acid reflex, heart burn and again SO tired and sluggish! 
Miss Anything? Just plain ole home, I could even go without my Friday night wine nights, I just wish I could be back in Pullman! 
Movement: It's gotten slightly stressful when I don't feel her for awhile! (let the endless parenting worries begin) even though they started the day I found out I was pregnant and it drives Ryan crazy! 
Food cravings: I've kicked it up a notch and instead of oreos and milk I've been craving oreo milkshakes!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The heartburn is becoming alot to handle and it's almost impossible for me to stay away from the things that cause it:( 
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah and the pregnancy waddle is real and comin on quick! 
Gender: GIRL!! ( I LOVE that she is a girl!)
Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out? 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been happy but Ryan has been MOOO----DDDY!   

Looking forward to: GOING HOME!  Oh and sending out our invites this week!!

Nursery project for the weekend!! 
We got this babiesRus dresser off craigslist for $50 and got (primer, paint, knobs, brushes, wrapping paper and mod podge) for about $30. Not too shabby! I love the way it turned out! I plan on 
mod podging the wrapping paper on the sides and bottom of the drawers to add a pop of color!:) Ryan wasn't super excited about spending his weekend doing this project but he keeps going in her room and checking it out so I know he loves it too! haha

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Bumps First Valentines!

How far along? 26 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 15+ pounds!!
Maternity clothes? Nope and I plan on not buying much of any either....hopefully. I have never liked tight clothes anyways, so I plan of just squeezing into them as long as I can. Also, I wear scrubs at work which is a huge life saver ! 
Stretch marks? None yet! 
Sleep: Not too bad! Waking up ALOT to pee though! 
Best moment this week: Last weekend and this weekend have been on point! It was awesome having a familiar face (Aaron) come and visit us! We ate way too much food that was life changing (Denver Biscuit Co.) and had some good laughs with the boys drinkin beers and me sippin on my lemon water!  This V-day weekend was also prefect! Ryan and I watched movies, I did crafts while he did his thing and we went to PF Changs!   
Symptoms: In-congestion, heart burn here and there and again SO tired and sluggish! Oh and light swelling in my ankles! WHAT? I thought that was an end of pregnancy symptom! 
Miss Anything? Home!:( and any kind of alcoholic beverage with friends! 
Movement: Yes lots of movement and I'm to the point where I have a good idea whether baby girl is awake or sleeping!
Food cravings: Oreo's and milk is now my new bed time snack! Other then that I'm just super hungry all the time!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really I took my glucose test yesterday and that was not fun!  OH and Ryan's crazy driving makes me sick! 
Have you started to show yet: Yep and people at my work that I don't work close with are starting to notice through my baggie scrubs!:)  
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? 

Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY and constantly having to check myself!:(  

Looking forward to: Working on the nursery and going home in March! 

Weekend project! DIY  Shabby bow board!
The mirror is real wood! I found it at goodwill all the rest was luckily all %50 off at Hobby Lobby! Score!  A total of $25 spent!  I plan on putting velcro on the board and on all of the bows/flowers and headbands I buy her for easy mix matching!:) Bows will be mandatory for this girl! Oh and Ryan bought her a new rug for her room!! As a delayed Christmas present to me! haha

A valentines gift has never been so romantic!! I've been obsessed with this travel system since I first found out I was pregnant!! It's a newer model so Iv'e been trying to wait and see what the reviews looked like.....So far it has almost a 5 star rating!