Sunday, February 28, 2016


Hello Third Trimester! 

How far along? 28 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 17+ pounds!!
Maternity clothes? Just my one pair of maternity jeans!
Stretch marks? Not yet! 
Sleep: Not too bad...I wasn't able to sleep in long this weekend though, I think shes starting to train me:(
Best moment this week: Completing her dresser! I feel like I can really start organizing her stuff now!!! 
Symptoms: (Same as the last few weeks) In-congestion, acid reflex, heart burn and again SO tired and sluggish! 
Miss Anything? Just plain ole home, I could even go without my Friday night wine nights, I just wish I could be back in Pullman! 
Movement: It's gotten slightly stressful when I don't feel her for awhile! (let the endless parenting worries begin) even though they started the day I found out I was pregnant and it drives Ryan crazy! 
Food cravings: I've kicked it up a notch and instead of oreos and milk I've been craving oreo milkshakes!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The heartburn is becoming alot to handle and it's almost impossible for me to stay away from the things that cause it:( 
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah and the pregnancy waddle is real and comin on quick! 
Gender: GIRL!! ( I LOVE that she is a girl!)
Labor Signs:

Belly Button in or out? 

Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been happy but Ryan has been MOOO----DDDY!   

Looking forward to: GOING HOME!  Oh and sending out our invites this week!!

Nursery project for the weekend!! 
We got this babiesRus dresser off craigslist for $50 and got (primer, paint, knobs, brushes, wrapping paper and mod podge) for about $30. Not too shabby! I love the way it turned out! I plan on 
mod podging the wrapping paper on the sides and bottom of the drawers to add a pop of color!:) Ryan wasn't super excited about spending his weekend doing this project but he keeps going in her room and checking it out so I know he loves it too! haha