Sunday, December 20, 2015


Sweet Baby Girl! 

How far along? 18 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds still! When I went to the doctor the scale said I only gained 2 pounds! But at home its still about 4 pounds. (not complaining)
Maternity clothes? Nope, just my stretchy clothes.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Iv'e been having alot of insomnia!
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender of course!

Symptoms? Iv'e had alot of growing pains in my stomach this week! 
Miss Anything? Home!:( and a glass of wine! (This one wont change for a long time)
Movement: Nothing....hopefully in the next two weeks! 
Food cravings: Breakfast always sounds good!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still a little at night, and if I eat too much:( But over all SOOO much better then the past few months THANK GOD!
Have you started to show yet: I didn't think so, until we took this picture last night! In tight clothes I'm for sure rockin the bump!
Gender prediction: ITS A GIRL!!
(week 16 feeling): I think deep down I'm worried I wont get any girls, and I need at least one, my thoughts are boy, and I've always seen myself being a boy mom, but my gut feeling is girl......Its weird! If any of that makes sense. (Thought it was interesting to read this now that I know the gender!)

This week: Its so crazy! I felt in my gut this whole time it was a girl or it may of been that:
Chinese calendar gender predictor= Girl
  Severe morning sickness= Girl

baking soda & urine test= Girl
My mom knew it was a= Girl
Ryan and his intuition thought= Girl
High Heart Rate= Girl

  I still couldn't get myself to believe it might be a girl! My family and Ryan's family always told us we were going to get all boys, which runs in both of our families, so as long as a can remember I've prepared myself to be a "boy" mom........So as you can imagine, I'm in shock and so thrilled! I've always been a mamma's girl, so I really hope I can have the same relationship with her as I have with my mom. (PLUS GIRL CLOTHES are so much cutter then boy clothes!)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been in pretty good spirits this week! Christmas around the corner and feeling better has definitely helped! 
Looking forward to: Christmas and feeling this gal move around!!
Possibly what baby girl will look like next Christmas!:)

P.s We will not be announcing the name until her birth;) I've known since my teens that this would be my first little girls name..... if I were to be blessed with a girl that is. Her middle name will be after my moms mom, as my middle name was after my moms mom:)

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