Sunday, January 17, 2016


The movement has begun!  
I can't wait to dazzle you up with Seahawk gear!!!
How far along? 22 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 10 pounds!!
Maternity clothes? Nope, still just my stretchy clothes. I did get the shirt I'm gonna wear for our maternity shoot, that Ryan's aunt is doing for us in March!! 
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: Not too bad. I have been having a hard time not sleeping on my back though.
Best moment this week: These past two weeks a lot of good things have happened! 
1.) We got into an adorable condo in a really good part of Denver!! AND its only a 20min commute for me to work. We move in this Friday!
2.) Seeing our babe at our anatomy scan this past Friday and knowing that she is 1 pound now and in the 50th percentile for her growth!! 
3.) We get to come home the end of March and have the co-ed shower I've always wanted to have!!4.) I'm feeling her move!!

--Another good thing that happened was Ryan found his wallet after losing it!! It had $200 in it and all his lineman cards, debit card and license in it! (you can't get another license unless you're in the state) It was a stressful few days before he found it!! 

Things are looking up and I'm not taking it for granted! Thank you Jesus!  
Symptoms: 2 weeks ago, actually after I posted my last blog post, I had to go to the ER for sever abdominal and back pain. Scariest thing that has ever happened to me! 9/10 pain (most pain Iv'e ever been in) and throwing up uncontrollably due to the pain. Thank god Ryan just got home from driving back from Oklahoma! Even though he was at an all time high for exhaustion he still bucked up and took good care of me. Turned out to be a medical mystery, just abdominal crapping or maybe food poising? They didn't know but I'm just so thankful shes still tucked away in there and healthy!! 
Miss Anything? Home!:( and a glass of wine! (This one wont change for a long time)
Movement: On Friday Jan 8th, I felt her move and knew it was her! She wouldn't stop moving!! It was such an amazing feeling to really know that what I have been feeling was really her and not just digestion! I was up all night just in awe of what I was feeling! (I think it was because I may have went a little crazy with the sugar that night and she was on the sugar rush.....Opps;) Since then I feel her little kicks mainly at night, nothing like that one night but they are definitely getting stronger by the day and I'm loving every minute of it!  
Food cravings: Nothing really, just sweets! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Last Saturday I definitely lost my breakfast, due to over eating;( Other than that Iv'e been feeling pretty good!  
Have you started to show yet: Still only in tight clothes. I always get shocked when I see my update pictures after Ryan takes them, because I don't feel as big as I look! 
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time: With all of the recent events, I've been feeling really blessed lately! Yesterday, I told Ryan that I'm actually starting to not feel depressed anymore from being so home sick! I'm excited about our new place, happy our baby is healthy, LOVING my new job and I have a lot of crafts and projects planned for this babe! 

Looking forward to: Moving into our new place, Aaron is coming to stay with us for a weekend and then going home in March of course!!  
Look at the cuteness of these!! I'm obsessed with baby moccasins!!
Last time we will see her before shes here! Shes already trying to hide from the camera!!


  1. haha, is that her hand in front of her face?? LOL

  2. HA! I already made a pair of moccasins, I guess I'll be making more.
