Sunday, January 31, 2016


I'm in her NURSERY! 
How far along? 24 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 12+ pounds!!
Maternity clothes? I wore maternity pants for the first time today! 
Stretch marks? Not yet, but Iv'e come to terms with the fact that they are pretty inevitable.
Sleep: Iv'e been so tired lately! I have even been taking naps after work, which I haven't done that in forever! 
Best moment this week: I'm livin for the weekends these days! Work has been taking a toll on me lately for some reason and I'm not even that big yet.....I'm so scared for whats in store for me in the last trimester!:(
Oh being in our new tiny little condo has been awesome too!! 
Symptoms: Well I've covered the extreme tiredness! Also been having some hip pain or I think sciatic nerve pain. Also lots of digestion issues!:( The heart burn has started with full force! 
Miss Anything? Home!:( and a glass of wine! (This one wont change for a long time)
Movement: Yes and its the best reminder to stay positive when all I want to do is whine and complain about the symptoms! I'm such a whiner and I need to stop because I know how truly lucky we are to have this miracle coming to us!..... Super cheesy I know, but I just don't want to ever take her for granted. I know of so many people that struggle with infertility and I can't imagine how hard it would be! My heart goes out to those people!
  I'm LOVING feeling her move! It's mainly and night! Having Ryan feel her has been my favorite part of our nights!
Food cravings: Chips ahoy original cookies dipped in milk has been a nightly snack that I can't get enough of!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm starting to have to watch out for foods that cause heart burn! 
Have you started to show yet: Well I had my first stranger tell me that I was glowing and looked good! Which was so sweet and he guessed it was a girl! Also my first Resident at work noticed and asked when I was due! SO i'm getting there! 
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Ryan says moody, but overall i'm getting happier. Whatever that means! I'll be the first to admit that I've been moody! lol

Looking forward to: Putting together our tiny cute nursery! 

Just when I come to terms that for our first baby I wont get to put together a nursery. This gem of a condo pops up on Craigslist! Let me tell you that when I was a little girl I didn't dream about my wedding (that started more in high school) but I dream't of my nursery! and would actually sketch out my plans for my black baby doll named Alexandria's nursery! With that said Ryan keeps reminding me that this life here in CO is temporary, hopefully only a year and a half left and that we need to accumulate as little as possible. With the size of this room, that shouldn't be too hard. 

SO my plan is Craigslist and everything DIY to save money! Iv'e been able to come up with three things that are good about CO,
 1# I seen a total of zero bugs since I've been here! (how awesome is that!? I guess its too dry for bugs, maybe that will change with the seasons....not sure)
2# The mountains are beautiful.....
 3# people give away or sale things for SO cheap on craigslist!! and its a huge city so I mean LOTS of awesome stuff! Our couch is so nice! Okay, not that nice but its pretty freaking nice for paying absolutely nothing for it!

Here are my first DIY projects for baby girls nursery! 

Theme: Shabby chic/vintage of course, with shades of maroon purple, gold, white, pinks and maybe some chevron gray.

 I'm going to try and keep it all very simple! But knowing me it might get out of control! lol

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