Friday, April 1, 2016


Nesting is in full swing!! 

How far along? 32 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 23+ pounds!!

Stretch marks? Still none!
Sleep: Still not bad, its starting to get really hard to change positions and get up out of bed to pee 8 times though! (The 8 times is not an exaggeration!)   
Best moment this week: Going home!! Seeing friends and family! and our shower was perfect! 
Symptoms: The biggest thing these past two weeks has been feeling sore and body aches.
Miss Anything? I miss bending over without feeling like I'm going to die due to lack of oxygen! 
Movement: Lots of big movements all the time and its starting to be uncomfortable at times but I still LOVE every minute of it!

Food cravings: While in Pullman I was able to fulfill both Taco Time and Cougar Country cravings!!  Lately there hasn't been anything in particular but sweets! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Red sauce has been giving me serious heart burn and acid reflux!
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes! 
Labor Signs: Nothin!

Belly Button in or out? 
 Almost an outie!!!! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody with extreme highs and lows!

Looking forward to: Getting the rest of the stuff we need for baby girl!

Ryan's aunt was so sweet to take some maternity pictures for us! Initially I just really wanted a few of us with the bump, but she went above and 
beyond! She put me in a beautiful long dramatic dress that I loved! It was the worst time of day and not the best location due to lack of time and she still knocked it out of the park! I highly recommend her for pictures at  I'm still in shock of the quality of these pictures when I zoom in and crop them! I can't wait to see the rest! More to come!

DIY book shelves! Just a fun pinterest project! Got the spice racks from Ikea, painted them and slapped them on the wall! Then we got to put all the books we got from our shower in them!:) LOVE it!
I can't wait to post all our shower details!

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