Saturday, May 7, 2016


Officially full-term! 

How far along? 38 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 29+ pounds...And wow mamma am I feeling every pound! 

Stretch marks? Still nothing and thanking my lucky genes!  
Sleep: With the aid Reflux EVERY night it's impossible!...
Best moment this week: I got to see our baby girl on ultrasound real quick because they wanted to make sure she wasn't breech (she's not)! She was sucking on her hand! I about died! I can't wait to meet her! Poor Ryan was so jealous;) 
Symptoms: Same old same old..... 
Miss Anything? I'm missing my old body without the swollen face/hands/feet and being able to move around  bend forward without the struggle.  
Movement: The one and only thing that I will miss about pregnancy. I LOVE it! 

Food cravings: Nothing really in particular. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just off and on nausea:/
Worst moment this week
Definitely driving to my doctors appointment without Ryan:(((( Its about 45min away and I absolutely  hate driving on freeways and places that are unfamiliar.  

Labor Signs: Still nothing, shes hasn't dropped and no braxton hicks or other signs! My instincts tell me she's going to go past due.... Especially because I'm dying to meet her!! 
Belly Button in or out? 
 Not out yet and I think I'm in the clear! 

Rings off or on?  Off and hating it!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Both!! 

Looking forward to: MEETING HER and kissing her cheeks! This one isn't going to change until shes finally here! 

Nursery changes!<3

I wasn't feeling the  other sign I painted, it was too yellow instead of gold! SO I made a new one! I love this song and I love the meaning! I couldn't ask for more than for my daughter to be humble and kind<3 The dream catcher is special because a patient at my work gave it to me!:) How sweet is that! ?

Mixin it up with a front shot!! :)))

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