Sunday, November 22, 2015


Hello Second Trimester!!

How far along? 14weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Maybe 1-2 pounds, but since I've been so sick and started working I still haven't really gained anything, I know its coming though!! 
Maternity clothes? Nope, but I also get to wear scrubs all day at work, so that helps! 
Stretch marks? Nope, but I'm now using my cocoa butter! 
Sleep: All the time! Since Iv'e started working, my new bed time is 7:30pm!! and I work at 6:30, but it takes about 45min to get to work.
Best moment this week: Going to my first ultrasound with Ryan, and seeing our little biscuit move all around! Also going to Babies r us shopping for the babe, and looking at the super cute stuff!
Symptoms: Still feeling sick off and on, plus low energy...Oh and a ton of low back pain!!
Miss Anything? Home!:( and a glass of wine!
Movement: Nothing.....I found out at my ultrasound that the placenta is anterior, so it's gonna take awhile for me to feel any movement!:(
Food cravings: Still don't have too much of an appetite, but when I'm hungry watch out!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Every night! STILL!
Have you started to show yet: Nope, just looking really bloated or, like I have a food baby!
Gender prediction: I'm torn!! I want both so bad, but when we went to the ultrasound the HR was high again at 159! =Girl! 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody! Poor Ryan.  
Looking forward to: The Holidays!

Measuring at 13 weeks and 6 days, 3 days ahead!!! A few people say it already has my nose, but who knows! 


Good-bye first trimester! 

How far along? 12weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: None yet! 
Maternity clothes? Nope.
Stretch marks? Nada
Sleep: All the time! 
Best moment this week: Getting through my second week of work! 
Have you told family and friends? Yep!
Symptoms: Still feeling sink off and on, plus low energy...
Miss Anything? Home!:( 
Movement: Nothing..
Food cravings:  Lost my appetite!:(
Anything making you queasy or sick: Every night! STILL! At least its not 24/7 like before! 
Have you started to show yet: Nope, just looking like I need to slow down on the cookies!
Gender prediction: HR-190!! at the first ultrasound, plus I've been sooooo sick which both point to girl, but I've always pictured my first to be a boy so I'm torn!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Starting to get really excited! 
Looking forward to: The Holidays!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Trimester #1

Horror Stories of the FIRST TRIMESTER are more than true!

My plan was to take pictures every other week starting with the 8th week, but this chalk board pretty much explains for it self why I couldn't make it in the shot! The moment I got pregnant, Kayla warned me over and over, with how sick I would be! I honestly didn't think it was gonna be that bad, my mom said she had never experienced morning sickness a day in her life!!! I HATE her now for that. Since I was 6weeks until about 12weeks I was sick day in and day out! I'm still occasionally sink, like about an hour ago I lost my chips and casa dip:(  I can honestly say that the morning sickness has been the worst thing Iv'e ever been through! Really I was not prepared for the flu/hangover straight for 6 weeks, and that is no exaggeration! 

Ryan and I love this picture! Its so detailed for only 9weeks! 

There is something about only spending $3 on your chalk board, and whipping it up on your own!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Baby B coming in MAY!!!

The day we realized we REALLY have to grow up!! 

 It was September 13th, and I had just taken my huge NBCOT exam the previous Thursday. I was a wreck! I was for sure that I failed! In my head I kept going over the answers I knew I missed and what I was gonna do if I really did fail! Study another month?! Come up with $500!! Anyways, I cried everyday since I took the test. I'm a big baby by nature but I'm not that big of a baby! I really couldn't keep it together and I just didn't feel myself. 

Ryan and I went to Target that night to pick up a few things and I convinced him that it would be a good idea to have some tests on hand. This to Ryan was kind of normal.....through our whole relationship I've said "I think I'm pregnant!" a million and one times! Sometimes for his reaction, sometimes because it was possible and sometimes because I was "sick"!!. Before the wedding we weren't planning on starting a family anytime soon and we were careful but there is always that chance. So anyways, me saying "I think I'm pregnant" wasn't new for him.

When we got home I peed on that thing as fast as I could. It immediately turned positive! My heart flew out of my chest! I thought about this moment that I would tell Ryan for so long! I had it all planned out in my head! I was gonna record it with my phone and do something super cute! Of course all those great ideas flew out the window when I saw that positive sign! At that moment I couldn't get to the living room fast enough to tell him!

 At first Ryan looked at me like I was tricking him of course, then when it sunk in, he was in shock! It had only been a month without any prevention and boom! I had read it takes the average couple 3-6 months to get pregnant, so we both were not expecting it to be that fast! I thought I was going to be all comfortable in my new job and shortly after it hopefully would happen!

 After I told Ryan, I sent a picture of the test to Kayla (my life long partner #2) with a comment that read "WTF?!?" haha and she reassured us that it was in fact the real deal! We were expecting!  Of course Ryan still didn't believe the test so I had to take another!


When we found out it was super early, I think 5 days before my missed period! Sorry may be TMI. I had basically only been pregnant for only two weeks and of course I did a ton of research to see if it was the real deal. Stuff kept coming up about a chemical pregnancy, saying 75% of early detected pregnancy's end in a period. So I held off telling anyone else including my family after 5 weeks! I was so excited and scared to jinks it! Plus I wanted a special way to tell them! Not just over the phone. 
So around 5 weeks I whipped up this chalk board, and faced time my mom, sister, brother in-law and niece and nephew. I told Kylee (niece) to take the tablet into her room and asked her if she would read the chalk board to everyone else in the family she read the sign and agreed. She's only 7 so she had no idea what it meant. Her cute little self walked out into the living and told everyone to listen up, then began to read the sign! Everyone was shocked and excited of course! Ever since both Kylee and Jordan actually understood what was going on they have been giving us plenty of ideas for names (kids in their school's names), and arguing on whether its a boy or girl! Safe to say everyone including Ryan's family are thrilled! 

Another fun thing we did is send these announcements out to close friends and family! Alot of people didn't get these that were supposed to, so if you didn't get one and you are a close friend or family chances are it got lost in the mail. It was just another fun way to tell our loved ones from a far in a special way!


Along with big ideas for how I was gonna tell Ryan, I had big ideas for our announcement pictures. These where done on a whim when I was about 5 weeks, just for fun. I really wanted to get professional pictures done or maybe have even a friend take our picture, but with me being severally ill 24/7 at 6 weeks until pretty much now at 13 weeks and us not knowing a ton of people here in Denver this is what we came up with. Both taken with an i-phone.

I have been loving telling people about our special news and hearing their reaction! Which pretty much is the same with everyone about how soon we got pregnant after we got married! It gives us a good laugh and honestly deep down, (and those of you that know me well, know) I wanted It to happen ASAP! I thought I would be on to my second by now but I'm so thankful we waited and both have good stable careers and are married! One of my friends said it perfectly.....I was born a baby, wanting babies and I've always been that way! In my mind there is no better purpose in the world then to be a mom! Ryan has always known that about me! I can't tell you how much his excitement has filled my heart! (sorry lil sappy I know) But so true! I cant wait to see him as a dad, because I know hes going to be amazing! 

Friday, November 13, 2015

DIY Wedding fun!!

DIY Wedding Crazyness for Dayz!

I had such a blast doing fun making my own wedding decor! I made it almost a game to see how much money I could save and how creative I could be. Yes, every DIY project didn't work out, but it was so therapeutic, and so much fun trying to figure it out!

First things first! Invitation's and save the dates!
I was in shock, when I looked into who much these costs! Aside from the costs of stamps, they were SOOO expensive! So I decided to make my own. I asked around, and tried to find the cheapest place I could print them out at. A friend told me about this company!
So I designed my invites on  and under their Postcards- then custom design, I uploaded and ordered my designs! In total, I spent $45 for save the dates and $73 that's not including stamps.
 I got the envelopes $5 for 50 with coupons
The address stamp I bought from Groupon which I highly recommend getting one of those!
The twine was purchased for $2 at Walmart!

Light up DIY sign!! This was probably my most favorite DIY project that I did! The whole thing was $30 dollars, not including the extra large chalkboard pen that I used for the lettering. I bought the chalkboard from using a discount code which made it $10 (pretty much everything I used from Hobby Lobby, was bought with a discount code)

Letters painted with chalkboard paint then sanded..,

Card box, bought from Hobby Lobby, stained and glued on some personal touches!

Program chalkboard for $10! 

From the beginning my goal was to spend as little as POSSIBLE on bouquets and boutonnieres. After talking to friends about how much they spent on flowers my mind was blown, $1,000+ on something that will barley stay alive through the reception then just tossed! So I winged it and made me own. Sure, it was trial and error as for other wedding DIY projects, and I was never a huge fan of how the bridesmaids bouquets turned out, but they were cheap and simple, which is what I wanted. On the other hand I LOVED my bouquet and the boutonnieres! Made with peacock feather off, dried florals from Hobby Lobby, and darice Floral tape to hold it all together! Made for less than $100 

Got this frame from the thrift store, and chalk boarded it up!
 Awesome find in the dumpster by our old apartment! It was the top of a coffee table!!
 One of my amazing OTA friends found these on the side of the road and thought of me! She is so awesome!! They made perfect isle markers!
 Rustic DIYchandelier!

The cup cake bar sign used to say HOME, but it was old decor that was gonna be tossed anyways!
SHE and HE is to me! Personal touches!
Personalized fan programs!

 DIY center pieces!