Saturday, November 21, 2015

Trimester #1

Horror Stories of the FIRST TRIMESTER are more than true!

My plan was to take pictures every other week starting with the 8th week, but this chalk board pretty much explains for it self why I couldn't make it in the shot! The moment I got pregnant, Kayla warned me over and over, with how sick I would be! I honestly didn't think it was gonna be that bad, my mom said she had never experienced morning sickness a day in her life!!! I HATE her now for that. Since I was 6weeks until about 12weeks I was sick day in and day out! I'm still occasionally sink, like about an hour ago I lost my chips and casa dip:(  I can honestly say that the morning sickness has been the worst thing Iv'e ever been through! Really I was not prepared for the flu/hangover straight for 6 weeks, and that is no exaggeration! 

Ryan and I love this picture! Its so detailed for only 9weeks! 

There is something about only spending $3 on your chalk board, and whipping it up on your own!!

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