Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ayela's Birth Story

This song will always hold special meaning to me. In the hospital that we delivered in they have a photographer that will take pictures for you! She showed us our slide show of pictures with this song. It was during that slide show seeing pictures of our beautiful girl that I realized how much I was head over heels in love with her....The tears were flowing and the emotions were overwhelming. Ryan's eyes filled as well making it that much more emotional. I'm still unable to get through this song without crying thinking of that
                         Miss Ayela Kathleen Ballard

                                   Our greatest gift<3

Although life as a new mamma has been a little crazy and a huge adjustment there is about 5 things I should be doing while little miss princess is sleeping. I wanted to get this down before it turns into a blur or I forget details that I want to here it goes!

May 26th while finishing up my last day of work, I noticed an increase of braxton hick contractions. Throughout the day they started to become more consistent and a little stronger. I still didn't think much of it, I thought It was probably false labor. When I got home I started to time the "cramps" finally realizing they were contractions and a good 10min apart. I've had a ton of people explain to me what contractions feel like and I guess I just thought they would feel different. To me a contraction is best explained as a giant charley horse in your stomach! NOT FUN! Finally realizing that this could be the real deal, Ryan and I decided we needed to do what we could to really get things moving! It was a rainy evening so we decided to go walk around target, we got some last minute items for the hospital and of course a cute romper for Ayela. Towards the end of our shopping trip the contractions were beginning to stop me in my tracks. 

With the pain of each contraction was excitement! We were going to meet our little girl sooner than later! When we got home we decided to play some Mario Kart and see what would happen. It was so hard to tell if I was progressing because for a half an hour my contractions would be 5min apart than the next hour they would be 10min apart. I was in pain but at that point I wasn't sure how high my pain tolerance was. Around 10pm I told Ryan to get some sleep, I attempted to lay down with him several times, but the pain of each contraction would throw me out of bed and take my breath away! Around 12pm I decided to call my doctor. Of course she told me that my contractions needed to be closer together and I shouldn't be able to talk through them before going to the hospital. I continued to labor until 6am when I told Ryan we needed to start getting ready to leave. 

Laboring at home was extremely stressful for me, because we were a good 45min away from the hospital that we were planning on delivering at! I was so scared we were going to get there and they were going to send me home because I wasn't progressed enough to be in "active labor" and by the time we would get back to our place I would feel like it was time to go again. Not to mention it was Memorial weekend and traffic in Denver was going to be horrible! But I was done with the pain. 

Once we got to the hospital I was at 3cm dilated and 80% effaced, the nurse said that we needed to walk around for an hour and see if I could make any progress before admitting me. I'll tell you right now I was a laboring/waddling pregnant women on a mission. After an hour of walking she hooked me up to monitor my contractions again and said "okay we want these contraction closer together" and left the room. Watching the screen I could see that my contractions were still about every 6-7min apart. I started to panic telling Ryan we were going to get sent home!!! When she came in the room, she said "okay they are still pretty far apart but lets check you" . To my surprise.....thank god I was now at 4cm and made enough progress to get admitted!!

The nurse suggested getting into the jet tub and putting on some aroma therapy. I'll tell ya right now that certainly took the edge off for about a good hour. Once I got out I knew it was time for the epidural. I listened to a piece of advice my mom has given me several times. "Ask for the epidural before the pain makes you feel like you want to die/cry" haha. I'm SOOO glad that I did because the I was the second epidural for the anesthesiologist out of the 10 new admits who he said were going to have to wait awhile. 

An epidural is a beautiful thing. After that it was the waiting game until 10pm when it was time to push. My doctor had 3 of us "pregnant ladies" ready to push at the same time! After I did one practice push my nurse dialed the doctor and said "looks like we go a good pusher" lol the doctor came in and within 6min and 2 pushes. She was out. 

Ayela Kathleen Ballard was born at 10:22pm on May 27th 2016, weighing in at 6pounds 8oz and 19in long! She was so alert and such a tiny little thing! 

I don't think you are ever really prepared for the moment you see your baby for the first time. It's a moment that will forever be ingrained in my mind and was completely life changing! She is so perfect and such a sweet baby!The love felt for this sweet little girl is truly overwhelming....

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Last update before she arrives! 

How far along? 40 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 32 pounds...

Stretch marks? Stretch marks has to be the one and only symptom that I haven't gotten! Thanking my genes and burt's bees oil! 
Sleep: I'm still having a lot of aid Reflux EVERY night making it impossible for me to get any sleep! This girl needs to drop already!:(
Best moment this week: Finishing up my last full work week! Such an exciting feeling knowing that the next time I'm working full-time it will be as a mom:))) 
Symptoms: Still having alot of digestive problems! 
Miss Anything? Sleep but I think that's pretty much a thing of the past at this point...  
Movement: They say movement should slow a little at the end, nope this girl parties almost every night! Which is nice reassurance that shes doing good! On a side note these movements are starting to get strong and uncomfortable!

Food cravings: Ice cream and loaded baked potatoes! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still nauseous here and there. 

Worst moment this week
: Mondays at work for some reason have been the worst! I'm always sore, tired and nauseous!

Labor Signs: I've been having some tightening in my stomach which I think are braxton hick contractions and some pelvic pressure. On Friday the doctor said that I'm 1cm dilated and 30% effaced which I guess is better than nothing. Shes still hasn't dropped yet though which is disappointing. In the mean time I'm eating pineapple, drinking raspberry leaf tea and staying as active as possible! 
Belly Button in or out?  Slightly out! 

Rings off or on?  Off :(

Happy or Moody most of the time: Emotional! But mostly sooo excited and happy!

Looking forward to: I'm dying to see what she looks like and hold her! 

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Officially full-term! 

How far along? 38 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 29+ pounds...And wow mamma am I feeling every pound! 

Stretch marks? Still nothing and thanking my lucky genes!  
Sleep: With the aid Reflux EVERY night it's impossible!...
Best moment this week: I got to see our baby girl on ultrasound real quick because they wanted to make sure she wasn't breech (she's not)! She was sucking on her hand! I about died! I can't wait to meet her! Poor Ryan was so jealous;) 
Symptoms: Same old same old..... 
Miss Anything? I'm missing my old body without the swollen face/hands/feet and being able to move around  bend forward without the struggle.  
Movement: The one and only thing that I will miss about pregnancy. I LOVE it! 

Food cravings: Nothing really in particular. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just off and on nausea:/
Worst moment this week
Definitely driving to my doctors appointment without Ryan:(((( Its about 45min away and I absolutely  hate driving on freeways and places that are unfamiliar.  

Labor Signs: Still nothing, shes hasn't dropped and no braxton hicks or other signs! My instincts tell me she's going to go past due.... Especially because I'm dying to meet her!! 
Belly Button in or out? 
 Not out yet and I think I'm in the clear! 

Rings off or on?  Off and hating it!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Both!! 

Looking forward to: MEETING HER and kissing her cheeks! This one isn't going to change until shes finally here! 

Nursery changes!<3

I wasn't feeling the  other sign I painted, it was too yellow instead of gold! SO I made a new one! I love this song and I love the meaning! I couldn't ask for more than for my daughter to be humble and kind<3 The dream catcher is special because a patient at my work gave it to me!:) How sweet is that! ?

Mixin it up with a front shot!! :)))

Saturday, April 23, 2016


One mouth until her D-date!! 

How far along? 36 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 26+ pounds and surprisingly holding steady! I couldn't believe it at our appointment on Friday! Doc says we're measuring right on time also which is good! 

Stretch marks? Nothing, but I feel like my belly button is going to blow open! It itches so bad! My skin is definitely getting tighter :(  
Sleep: I'm getting less and less during the week...
Best moment this week: Happening right now!Spending some good quality time with my one and only! Ryan finally has a weekend off! He's been so busy with work and school!
Symptoms: Out of control acid reflux, back and hip pain, nausea here and there and digestive issues..... 
Miss Anything? I miss not getting so tired at work!:( I feel like a baby and I love working/making money but all I wanna do is go home, put my feet up and nap! 
Movement: Still lots of movement! My app said this should of slowed by now, but not with this girl! Shes still a mover and a groover all the time! I absolutely love it! Definitely the best part of pregnancy!

Food cravings: Fruit and Chocolate!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Too much sugar! I know when I have reached my limit!
Worst moment this week: It was definitely telling my boss last week that I will not be returning full-time after my maternity leave, but hopefully on-call or just Saturdays. I feel so blessed that this can even be an option for us, but am going to miss the people I work with and my job so much! I honestly feel like I just now am getting the hang of it too. With that being said I'm sooo excited to spend my days with her and just focus on being a mamma:) 
Labor Signs: Still nothing, which is making me think shes going to come late.

Belly Button in or out? 
 Still flesh with the skin! 

Rings off or on?  My wedding ring is off and I hate it! It feels so awkward! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody!! 

Looking forward to: Still just wanting the time to go by so I can meet her and love on her!! Oh and I'm looking forward to all of the friends and family coming in June to meet her!:) 

Baby Girls Nursery!<3

It sure is a small thing but really its all we need and I LOVE the way it turned out! Yes we are using a play pin for her bed when she gets bigger and yes the curtain is a Costco blanket, also the colors are a little all over the place......some of the things if we were back home and weren't trying to buy less and save more that would be a little different. All in all I'm proud of how little we spent and how quaint it is!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Six weeks until we meet our sweet pea!! 

How far along? 34 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 26+ pounds!! and honestly I'm trying to not stress about my weight. They say that you should shoot between 25-30 pounds of weight gain, but I know every women and baby are different! I just want her healthy!

Stretch marks? Still nothing:) 
Sleep: Week 33 the insomnia along with terrible acid reflux came in full swing! Ever since then getting sleep has been rough!  
Best moment this week: Finishing up getting everything we need for baby girl! The list is now tiny and that is so exciting and such a relief! Thanks to a ton of family and friends we didn't need to buy much!
Symptoms: The struggle of the third trimester is real....That's all I'm gonna say.
Miss Anything? I'm missing a day without digestive issues, body aches and lack of energy!  
Movement: Still all the time! She loves putting her tiny feet in my rib cage and its soooo uncomfortable and she loves the right side of my body! 

Food cravings: Sweets all day everyday!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yesterday I had morning sickness all day!! WTF!?! Its been coming in swings randomly.
Have you started to show yet: Yep! ya can't miss me comin a mile away.
Labor Signs: Nothin!

Belly Button in or out? 
 It's now flesh with the skin!!!! Yikes!

Rings off or on? Officially off! and I miss it so much! Everything is getting so puffy and swollen!:(

Happy or Moody most of the time: It all depends on the symptoms I'm having at the time! I'll tell ya now its rear that I don't have any! 

Looking forward to: I'm ready to hold and love on her!<3

In summary of this blog post I just want to say that I'm the first to admit that I'm the biggest baby ever!! (feel bad for Ryan)...Some people just aren't cut out for 
pregnancy and I am one of them.... (to all the women including my mother that say they LOVED being pregnant...You are crazy) With that being said I wouldn't trade this experience for the world and I know its all going to be more than worth it in the end!! <3

Friday, April 1, 2016


Nesting is in full swing!! 

How far along? 32 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 23+ pounds!!

Stretch marks? Still none!
Sleep: Still not bad, its starting to get really hard to change positions and get up out of bed to pee 8 times though! (The 8 times is not an exaggeration!)   
Best moment this week: Going home!! Seeing friends and family! and our shower was perfect! 
Symptoms: The biggest thing these past two weeks has been feeling sore and body aches.
Miss Anything? I miss bending over without feeling like I'm going to die due to lack of oxygen! 
Movement: Lots of big movements all the time and its starting to be uncomfortable at times but I still LOVE every minute of it!

Food cravings: While in Pullman I was able to fulfill both Taco Time and Cougar Country cravings!!  Lately there hasn't been anything in particular but sweets! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Red sauce has been giving me serious heart burn and acid reflux!
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes! 
Labor Signs: Nothin!

Belly Button in or out? 
 Almost an outie!!!! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody with extreme highs and lows!

Looking forward to: Getting the rest of the stuff we need for baby girl!

Ryan's aunt was so sweet to take some maternity pictures for us! Initially I just really wanted a few of us with the bump, but she went above and 
beyond! She put me in a beautiful long dramatic dress that I loved! It was the worst time of day and not the best location due to lack of time and she still knocked it out of the park! I highly recommend her for pictures at  I'm still in shock of the quality of these pictures when I zoom in and crop them! I can't wait to see the rest! More to come!

DIY book shelves! Just a fun pinterest project! Got the spice racks from Ikea, painted them and slapped them on the wall! Then we got to put all the books we got from our shower in them!:) LOVE it!
I can't wait to post all our shower details!